Which denomination are you affiliated with? The First Presbyterian Church of Meadville is part of the Presbytery of Lake Erie, which comprises 56 congregations in northwestern Pennsylvania and the westernmost corner of New York State. The Presbytery of Lake Erie, in turn, is one of 172 Presbyteries which make up the Presbyterian Church (USA). Formed in 1983 from a merger of two former denominations, the PC(USA) represents about 8,700 churches and 1.1 million members in every corner of the country. [Presbyterian churches exist in many other nations as well: in fact, there are now more Presbyterians in the developing world than in the United States.]
What does 'Presbyterian' mean? The term derives from the Greek word presbyteros, which means 'elder' or 'senior'. Essentially it refers to a system of church organization in which ultimate authority rests with elders chosen by the local congregation, rather than with a bishop. Please see this page for more information on the history and beliefs of the Presbyterian Church.
Are you a liberal church or a conservative church? We are a Jesus church! You'll find our congregation spans the spectrum of political viewpoints, but we put those things aside in order to accomplish our ministry to each other and to the wider community.
When are your worship services? We're currently on our summer schedule, gathering on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. Visit the Worship page for more information. If you're unable to worship with us in person, we invite you to watch the livestream which will be archived on our YouTube channel.
What should I wear if I'm planning to visit? Some members of our congregation dress more formally, others more casually. We're more concerned about approaching God in the right spirit, than about approaching God in the right attire.
Can I have my wedding in your church even though I'm not a member? Non-members may be married in our church, pending approval of the Church Session. Contact us using the contact form or by phoning the church office at 333-2161.
Do you rent space in your building to outside groups? We welcome inquiries from outside groups interested in renting space. The Church Session has the final say on use of the church building. Contact us using the contact form or by phoning the church office at 333-2161.
Can I ask for prayers for a specific situation? It would be our privilege to lift your specific needs up in prayer. Contact us using the contact form or by phoning the church office at 333-2161.
Can I make a financial contribution to the church electronically? Certainly: just click on the "Online Giving" button on the welcome page. Your contributions make it possible for us to carry on with our worship and ministry, and will be accepted with gratitude.
One of my ancestors was baptized/married in your church. Do you have a record of that event? Possibly, but not on-site. The bulk of our archival material has been deposited for safekeeping at the Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia. We suggest you try searching their online catalog.